I'm sure today was stressful for people as you got your exam scores. Many of you were no doubt very pleased by your score and there obviously was disappointment as well. For what it's worth, I'm proud of all of you for sticking through the whole year in a difficult class. Regardless of your score, I have no doubt that the APUSH experience has left you more prepared for the rigors of college than you were when you started your time in D-9.
That being said, I'm overall pretty pleased with the scores. Out of respect for everyone, I'm not going to give you a ton of specifics but I will tell you that 35% of the scores were 4s/5s and the overall average was over a 3. For a group of over 60, that's really good. Without a rubric for your practice exam, and given the nature of the redesign, I wasn't sure what to expect. We just had to plow ahead this year and I appreciate your patience and trust as we tackled the new curriculum.
For me, this past year was really fun. The APUSH sections were three very different groups both in size and overall personality. I enjoyed working with each class and I hope that you found the year worthwhile. Now that you have your score, there officially is no more APUSH stress!
Have a great rest of your summer and I wish you all the best in your future academic endeavors.
Porco out.