Remember that Chapter 11 needs to be done by tomorrow and there will be a notebook check. I'll have a hand out for Period 3 tomorrow and we'll do another 10 practice Stimulus Based Multiple Choice questions.
Today we quickly finished the Thomas Jefferson notes started last week and students had the opportunity to ask questions about Chapter 11. I then handed out a condensed version of the College Board topic outline for Periods 1 and 2 as a study tool for Thursday's test. Students then had the last 20-30 minutes to explore the AP U.S. History section of Khan Academy as a potential resources.
Remember that Chapter 11 needs to be done by tomorrow and there will be a notebook check. I'll have a hand out for Period 3 tomorrow and we'll do another 10 practice Stimulus Based Multiple Choice questions.
The majority of today's class was spent practicing stimulus based multiple choice questions. Students answered 10 questions and we put the results into a Kahoot to see how each class collectively did.
We then had a Type 2 and discussed the judicial developments of the early 1800s (5th period will get to this tomorrow). Remember that Chapter 11 needs to be finished by Wednesday. Today's class was spent writing the American Revolution DBQ. Students had any remaining time to work on assigned readings. Pages 204-218 are to be read by Monday. They chapter should be finished by Wednesday. You will also have an article next week.
Today's class started with a discussion of Thomas Jefferson's connection to the Heming' family. Students then took notes on the difference between Jeffersonian ideology and reality. We then watched a brief video on the Jefferson presidency. The last 20-30 minutes was for preparations for tomorrow's DBQ.
Today's class started with a discussion of the events of the Adams administration from the guided reading. We then worked on Friday's DBQ. The Chapter 11 guided reading will be handed out tomorrow and there will be pages due on Monday. The bulk of tomorrow's class will be spent preparing for Friday.
Next Friday's DBQ was handed out today. Students did a practice 15 minute analysis period similar to what will be done on the actual exam. Students then had the period to ask questions about the documents and work on their outline. By Monday, pages 182-197 need to be read. Plan on a Type 2 (or maybe two Type 2's).
Have a great weekend! Today we rolled up our mental sleeves and dove in on the different components of writing DBQ essays. Hopefully students have a good start on this journey. We will be working on it all year. I've included the document that I made today. It evolved throughout the three periods. At the end, I put together the components of the initial point of analysis, using the document as evidence, and sourcing.
We started class today by finishing the Jeopardy from Friday. Students then had a Type 2 over assigned readings and we discussed the first half of Chapter 9. 3rd/4th periods got their Long Essays back, 5th period will get theirs on Thursday. We then started some work on the Articles of Confederation DBQ which will continue tomorrow.
Chapter 9 should be finished by Thursday along with the guided reading. Today we went over the Chapter 6-8 Test and started a review Jeopardy that we will finish on Monday Pages that need to be read by Monday are 160-170. Have a great weekend!
Today's class was spent reviewing for tomorrow's test. The review guide is included below.
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July 2020