1st/2nd Period - 802-811
5th Period - 790-800
Have a great weekend and go see Urinetown! It's great!
Today we read through and discussed primary source documents involving the development of the atomic bomb, the civil rights movement for African Americans, and the internment of Japanese Americans. Specifically, we read the words of Albert Einstein, A. Philip Randolph, and the majority and dissenting opinions in Korematsu v. U.S. Reading homework for the weekend is as follows:
1st/2nd Period - 802-811 5th Period - 790-800 Have a great weekend and go see Urinetown! It's great!
Today we watched the World War II episode from America The Story of Us. This video does a great job detailing the profound societal changes that were brought by WWII. Reading homework for tonight is as follows:
1st/2nd Period - 795-802 5th Period - 785-790 Class time was spent today writing the short answer questions and then an introduction to the major themes of relevance for WWII. The reading tonight is as follows:
1st/2nd Period - 791-795 5th Period - 779-785 The bulk of class today was spent on analyzing the goals and effectiveness of New Deal programs. The assignment was to make a chart, or use any other format, to indicate the goals, effectiveness, and supporting evidence of effectiveness. I've included the programs in the attached file. Also, don't forget that the 10% Summary for the article, "The Cruelest Year" is due tomorrow. The FCAs are as follows: 1) 3 Main Ideas (9) 2) 5 Relevant Details (5) 3) 2 Short Quotes (4) Remember that the quotes from the article should be 5 words or less.
Class time was spent on the DBQ. Assigned reading for the weekend is as follows:
1st/2nd Period - 766-776 5th Period - 754-765 Have a great weekend. Class time was spent today working on developing analysis for the 1920s DBQ from yesterday. Remember that tomorrow you should try to analyze one of the following for each document: intended audience, purpose, historical context or POV. The timeline for the DBQ is 1900-1930. What were issues in U.S. society that were relevant and significant to that entire time period? After the DBQ work, we took a look at the causes of the Great Depression. I went over this a little more quickly than usual because, according to the new course outline, the response to the Depression (in the form of the New Deal) is far more important than the causes. I've included the PowerPoint from today below. We will spend class time on Monday studying the impact of the New Deal.
Today we finished the notes on the 1920s and watched a video on the Scopes Trial. The video provides an in depth look at the factors that played into the cultural conflicts of the 1920s. Remember that the Chapter 25 chapter is to be finished by tomorrow.
Grades are done and in eSchool. The curve was out of 44. That was the highest score (there were a couple 44's and several 43's). The number you see for your final exam is your percentage with the curve. If you want to know how many you got right on the exam, and can't figure it out, go ask your math teachers why they've failed you so miserably. Just kidding. Just multiply your percentage by 44 and then divide by 100. Round up or down to get the number you answered correctly.
Also, I forgot to have 5th period put down the correct answer to #25, which was a freebie. I went through the 5th period scantrons and gave the point to those that got it wrong. If you look at the schedule for the time period leading up to the AP Exam, you'll notice that there are no tests that are identified as Chapter Multiple Choice tests. All formal assessments for the rest of the year will be formatted to replicate experiences on the AP Exam. So on 3/24, for Chapters 25/26, you will have two (maybe 3) short answer questions in place of a multiple choice test. On 3/31, you will have a 40 question stimulus-based multiple choice question on Period 7, which is 1900-1945. Those two tests along with a blind DBQ and blind Long Essay are the big days from now until spring break. So the third trimester is basically the hardest 7 weeks of the year followed by the 5 easiest weeks of the year. This is what you signed up for right? :) Remember the reading homework for the weekend is as follows: 1st/2nd Period - 735-748 5th Period - 719-732 Email me if you have any questions, see you Monday. |
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July 2020