Also, I forgot to have 5th period put down the correct answer to #25, which was a freebie. I went through the 5th period scantrons and gave the point to those that got it wrong.
If you look at the schedule for the time period leading up to the AP Exam, you'll notice that there are no tests that are identified as Chapter Multiple Choice tests. All formal assessments for the rest of the year will be formatted to replicate experiences on the AP Exam. So on 3/24, for Chapters 25/26, you will have two (maybe 3) short answer questions in place of a multiple choice test. On 3/31, you will have a 40 question stimulus-based multiple choice question on Period 7, which is 1900-1945. Those two tests along with a blind DBQ and blind Long Essay are the big days from now until spring break.
So the third trimester is basically the hardest 7 weeks of the year followed by the 5 easiest weeks of the year. This is what you signed up for right? :)
Remember the reading homework for the weekend is as follows:
1st/2nd Period - 735-748
5th Period - 719-732
Email me if you have any questions, see you Monday.