Today we went through the end of the chapter on World War II, with special attention paid to the home front
Today, students took the Chapter 25/26 test. The reading homework for tonight is as follows:
1st Period - 791-798 5th Period - 779-786 ![]()
Today we took notes on the causes of the Great Depression and discussed possibilities for tomorrow's first blind DBQ. The PowerPoint from today is included below. ![]()
Today we took care of some end of trimester 2 housekeeping and started the 1920s. The PowerPoint from today is included below. Remember, there is reading tonight. The daily reading assignments for the next week and a half are included in the previous post. I'll also send out a reminder text. ![]()
Exams have been scanned and are in Pinnacle. There were two questions on the exam that were freebies. As mentioned, the question that had John L. Lewis as the answer was free. Additionally, there was a question on the test that came up in M.C.T.D. in 5th period but not in 1st. In looking at the item analysis, it's clear that this made a significant difference. Consequently, everyone that got that question wrong (in 1st and 5th period) was given that point. After adjustments were made for those two questions, 42 seems fair for the curve. So the number you see in Pinnacle for your exam is the percentage you got right out of 42. Important - take a look at Pinnacle. If you see any blanks, you need to make those assignments up next week. Blanks will be changed to zeroes on Wednesday. I've included a reading schedule for the next week and a half. Expect a quick type 2 everyday on these pages. Email me if you have any questions about any of the above. Have a great weekend and I look forward to a fresh start (without frequent unscheduled days off) 3rd trimester. ![]()
Today, we finished our review for the End of Trimester Exam. I've included below all the PowerPoints we've looked over the past two days. ![]()
AuthorMr. Porco CategoriesArchives
July 2020