Class time today was spend writing the first DBQ of the year. Remember that you should have 248-261 read by tomorrow. Plan on an open notebook Type 2.
Class started with a brief lecture on the Age of Jackson and then the remainder of the class was spent getting ready for tomorrow's DBQ.
Class today started with a notebook check for Chapter 12 and a discussion of the end of the chapter. Students then had time to prepare for Wednesday's DBQ.
Today's class started with a discussion of Chapter 11 and a notebook check. Students then did 10 practice stimulus based multiple choice questions that we went over through Kahoot. The first 10 pages of chapter 12 need to be read by Thursday.
Today's class started with a quick look over sample essays from the 2017 DBQ. We then had a notebook check and discussed the second half of Chapter 10. The Chapter 11 Guided Reading was handed out and we finished class with a short video on the Washington administration.
The next reading deadline is Tuesday when all of Chapter 11 should be done. The multiple choice test was pushed from Tuesday to Wednesday. We started class with a Type 2 and talked about the beginning of Chapter 10. The majority of the class was spent practicing Stimulus-Based M.C. questions. We then finished with discussing more of Chapter 10. Remember that Chapter 10 should be done (with a notebook check) on Thursday.
Today's class was spent on a Review Jeopardy over this year's content. Congrats on making it through a five week stretch of five days of school. There aren't many times like this in a school year. Remember that the Chapter 10 Guided Reading is on the site and that 182-193 should be read by Monday. Plan on a closed note Type 2.
Have a great weekend! Today's class started with a Chapter 9 notebook check and discussion of the second half of the chapter. We then spent the rest of the class listening to and discussing selections from the musical Hamilton. Hard copies of the Chapter 10 Guided Reading will be available tomorrow and you have pages for Monday.
Today's class started with a Type 2 over assigned readings and a discussion of the challenges the United States faced in the 1780s. We then started some document analysis with a DBQ on the Articles of Confederation. We will continue to work with that later this week. The last part of class was time for students to work on preparations for tomorrow's Long Essay. If you want feedback on anything tonight, share it in a Google Doc and I'll get back to you.
Today's class started with a reading and discussion of three different primary sources related to the impact of the American Revolution on slaves. We placed a special emphasis today on POV analysis for these documents. The remainder of the time was spent working on next week's LEQ. Chapter 8 should be done by tomorrow. I've included the review guide below. ![]()
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July 2020