We then discussed the John Brown reading and whether or not he should be considered a terrorist.
The Chapter 18/19 Guided Reading was handed out and is also included below.
We're almost there...
sectional_conflict.ppt |
chapter_18.pdf |
chapter_19.pdf |
Today (if needed) we finished the notes on Sectional Conflict that we started yesterday. The PowerPoint is included below. We then discussed the John Brown reading and whether or not he should be considered a terrorist. The Chapter 18/19 Guided Reading was handed out and is also included below. We're almost there...
Today's class was spent taking the Chapter 16/17 test. Students also got the John Brown article. Questions 2-4 are due on Thursday and we'll discuss the article.
Students that missed today's test should plan on taking it tomorrow after school. Today we review for tomorrow's. The review guide is included below. One down four to go.
Today we finished the activity we started yesterday in analyzing the causes/effects of the Mexican American War. The PowerPoint that guided this activity is included below. We then watched a video that previews the sectional crises of the 1850s that we will examine the second half of next week. Remember that Chapter 17 needs to be finished by Monday. Have a great weekend! One more week until winter break!
Today's class started with a short video on the Polk administration. Students then compared two reactions to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The remaining class time was spent on final DBQ preparations.
By Thursday, students should have read p. 363-371 Today's class started with a Chapter 16 Notebook Check. We then discuss the last couple of questions. Students then took notes on the emergence of the concept of manifest destiny. The PowerPoint is included below. Students then had time to work on their preparations for Wednesday's DBQ.
Today's class started with a discussion on the slavery article that was read this week and students turned in their questions. We then played a 15 question Kahoot from Chapter 16. The class finished with time to work on the DBQ, I've included the handout that was given below. Remember that Chapter 16 needs to be finished by Monday. See you then
Today we finished the notes we've been working on all week about the 19th century development of slavery. I've included the PowerPoint below. Students then worked on their document analysis and thesis for next Wednesday's DBQ. I've included the files below of the document help that I've shown the past couple of days below. Remember to have article questions 2-4 done for tomorrow. See you then.
The first part of today's class was spent on the second trimester Pre-Assessment. When they finished, students had time to work on assigned readings. Once everyone was done, students had a Type 2 reading quiz on Chapter 16 and then took notes on the development of slavery.
Grades are updated and in eSchool. We'll go over the exam on Monday and get started with new material. I've included the Chapter 16 Guided Reading below. By Tuesday, you'll need to read 350-361. There also will be an article next week so it would be a good idea to start on the chapter this weekend. See you Monday.
AuthorMr. Porco CategoriesArchives
July 2020