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Today's class started with an overview of Chapter 28, Students then took notes on the origins of WWI and we finished with work on the Progressivism DBQ. Keep working on the guided readings. Tomorrow, we'll work on WWI. I've included the PowerPoints for the week below. ![]()
Today's class started with a Type 2 over the weekend reading. We then discussed the remaining material from Chapter 27. Students then took notes on an overview of the Progressive period and were given the Guided Reading for the next two chapters. This assignment is due at the end of the week, there will not be any more Type 2's this trimester. I've included the guided readings below. ![]()
Today in class we started with a brief lecture on the motives of American expansion. We then watched a brief video on the McKinley presidency which reviews the origins and significance of the Spanish-American War. We then started reading/discussing a justification of American acquisition of the Philippines.
Remember you have pages due tomorrow. Plan on a Type 2, or 2. See you then. Today in class we did a practice Short Answer Question and then examined three samples from the 2016 exam. This was designed to help students understand what is needed to score well on these assignments. We then briefly discussed the Chapter 27 Guided Reading which is included below. Remember for Thursday 607-622 needs to be read and the chapter finished by Monday. ![]()
Today's class started by going over yesterday's multiple choice test. 4th period also got their DBQs back and had SSR. The guided reading was handed out today, it is included below. The first 10 pages of Chapter 26 need to be read by tomorrow. You WILL have a Type 2. The three classes got through a varying amount of the Westward expansion docs, we'll pick up with that tomorrow for a few minutes and watch a video. School on a Friday tomorrow, kind of wild. See you then. ![]()
Class time was spent today writing DBQ Essay #3. When done, students picked up the review guide for Wednesday's multiple choice test. I've included it below. Tomorrow if you are able to stay after for office hours (until 3:20), you can earn 5 points of extra credit. The make up day for essays this week is Thursday. ![]()
Today's class was spent on a debate regarding city government's of the Gilded Age. With the question, "Was City Government a Conspicuous Failure," the class was divided into a "yes" and "no" team and given corresponding readings. The article was broken into different parts that the groups discussed. We then had the debate. The Chapter 25 Guided Reading was handed out, I've included it below. ![]()
Today's class started with a Type 2 and a discussion of the assigned readings in Chapter 24. Students then did a practice blind 15 minute analysis period with the DBQ for next Monday. With remaining time, we discussed a few of the documents.
Remember that Chapter 24, and the guided reading, needs to be finished by tomorrow. See you then. I told you we'd have some sick days. :) ![]()
AuthorMr. Porco CategoriesArchives
July 2020