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We knocked out the first half of the review today, we'll finish tomorrow. I've included a few PowerPoints you might find useful. Get some studying in tonight. ![]()
Today in class we got in a little review with those that were there. Tomorrow, first period will finish the Jeopardy they started today with first and second place getting a few points of extra credit.
Don't forget that you need to have our current chapter finished by tomorrow. We'll have a quick Type 2 and then discuss the reading. See you then. Today we had a quick Type 2 over the first part of the current chapter and discussed the reading. The religious revival known as the Second Great Awakening and its influence on various reform efforts is vital for an understanding of the flurry of mid-century reform efforts.
After the reading discussion, students had time to get help on their FRQ. Remember, if you want additional feedback, I'll respond to whatever I'm Today we went over the Chapter 10 test and got in some work for Friday's FRQ.
As far as assigned readings, this is the time where it might get a little confusing. For 1st period (using the 6th edition of the book) you will continue with Chapter 11 but in 5th period (the 8th edition of the book) the chapters are in a different order, you will jump to chapter 13. As long as you keep on top of assigned pages, you'll be fine. So for tonight: 1st Period - 309-314 5th Period - 331-336 Plan on a Type 2 along with a discussion of these pages on Thursday. Today we reviewed the main ideas/details for Chapter 10. I've included a copy of the questions we used in class today along with a PowerPoint you might find helpful. Last chapter test of the trimester, see you tomorrow. ![]()
Just wrapping up a four hour Saturday in D-9. Everything is graded and in Pinnacle with the exception of the 10% summary of the Thomas Jefferson article.
In the excitement of Multiple Choice Thrown Down on Friday, I forgot to tell 5th period their assigned pages for the weekend. Luckily, we have a class website to communicate this information. I also think this illustrates the need to set up a Remind 101 for APUSH as well. We'll do that on Monday. So here's the weekend reading: 1st Period - 289-296 5th Period - 284-293 Spread the word to your 5th period friends about the reading. See you Monday. Today we went over the Chapter 8/9 test and started our study of Andrew Jackson with a quick video highlighting the major events of his presidency. After the video, I lectured for the last little bit of class on some of these issues including, the importance of the Elections of 1824 and 1828, Indian Removal and (in 5th period) the Nullification Crisis.
Each section needs to read the first 7 pages or so of Chapter 10, we'll have a Type 2 tomorrow. I just finished 1st periods DBQs, they are in Pinnacle. See you tomorrow. Today we reviewed over the important information for Chapters 8 & 9. The review guide is included below. ![]()
Today we discussed the article, Thomas Jefferson and the Meanings of Liberty. I thought both classes had very thought provoking and lively discussions on this very complex issue. Tomorrow, we'll review for the Chapter 8/9 test. Remember, you should have Chapter 9 read by tomorrow. There will potentially be a Type 2 over the latter part of the chapter.
5th period will get their DBQs back tomorrow, 1st period towards the end of the week. |
AuthorMr. Porco CategoriesArchives
July 2020