Today in class, students created a chart in their notebooks that divided early Cold War developments into three different categories. We then discussed the material. Tomorrow, we are going to look at sample DBQ essays in order to continue to develop an understanding of what it takes to write a successful essay. See you then.
Students took the Period 7 M.C. test and had the remaining time to work on the Chapter 35 Guided Reading. By Thursday, 820-831 needs to be read. Chapter 35 needs to be finished when we get back from break. **The test make up day has been moved to Thursday. ![]()
Today in class, students completed a chart in their notebook in which they analyzed how WWII impacted Japanese Americans, African Americans and Women. We then discussed this information along with the military factors that led to Allied Victory in WWII. In office hours I handed out a Period 7 Review Guide. I've included it below and they are on the bookcase to the right of the white board. Be sure to bring books tomorrow to work on the Chapter 34 Guided Reading. I'll see you on Monday. ![]()
Today in class we started with 13 practice stimulus based multiple choice questions from the College Board. 5th period emerged as the class with the highest overall average on the questions with the highest score being a 12/13.
We then discussed the U.S. move to neutrality in the 1930s and finished by looking at and discussing political cartoons created by Dr. Suess leading up to and after World War II. Tomorrow, we'll discuss the impact of WWII on the home front along with significant military moments of the war. See you then. Today in class we finished the WWII video, students did a practice SAQ and we then read/discussed a Charles Lindbergh document that detailed the isolationism argument before Pearl Harbor.
Remember that the 6 questions from Chapter 33 are due tomorrow. See you then. Sorry for the slacking on the updates, I'll get back on it. This week has been spent on the Great Depression and New Deal. Monday, we discussed the material from Chapter 31. Specifically, we discussed the U.S. retreat back into isolationism and the naive idealism that shaped U.S. foreign policies through things like the Kellogg-Briand Pact. Chapter 31 was finished by Tuesday, so had a reading quiz (You know that's what Type 2's are right?). I then lectured on the Causes of the Great Depression. Students were given a handout with the slides, I've included the PowerPoint below. On Wednesday, we watched the FDR Presidents video and then students did a practice Blind 15 minute analysis period on a New Deal DBQ. Thursday, we finished discussing the New Deal documents and students had a Type 2 over assigned pages. Friday, we finished the week with a blind Long Essay. Remember that Chapter 32 needs to be finished by Monday and that anyone that misses today's essay is expected to make it up on Monday. Have a great weekend and next week we head right into World War II> ![]()
AuthorMr. Porco CategoriesArchives
July 2020