The multiple choice tests are in. The average was a 22/38 and the high score on the day was 32/38 (there were two of those). For these Stimulus-Based tests, which are meant to replicate the AP Exam, the process for the curve is a little different. As I've said in class, if you can get 60% of the M.C. questions right on the exam, you'll be in line for a 3 on the exam overall. Getting 70% has you positioned for a 4 or 5 and 80% right puts you firmly on track for a 5. With that in mind, I set the curve at 28, with each question being worth two points, it went in the grade book as a 56 point test. So if you take your score and divide it by two, that's how many you got right. People that got 29 and above earned extra credit.
There were a lot of really strong scores, yet also some serious issues on the other end of the spectrum. As you have some time this weekend, ask yourself what you can do to change your approach to the material. Is it paying attention in class? Should you start actually doing the reading? Should you change your studying? Figure out a way you can change up the equation so you can maybe get a more favorable result. I know I"ll be thinking of things I can do to better reach those that are struggling.
Next up for me today is finishing 5th period's Long Essays and I'm going to put a dent in getting 3rd period's done so I can hopefully get those done tomorrow I'll send out a Remind when essays are done. Stay warm.