So now what? There are a ton of questions right now but not really any good answers. No one really knows when we'll come back and what that will look like. So I think the best thing to do is proceed like we will be back the week after our scheduled spring break. There is a possibility that our spring break gets moved to the last of these next three weeks but my opinion is that is unlikely and the earliest we will be back is Monday, 4/13.
On the website calendar, I've posted when I had us done with the remaining chapters. My attitude about what I want you to do over this time off is the same as it was last year when we had two weeks of snow days - keep up with the reading. If we are back on 4/13, Chapters 35, 36 and 37 will be due. If we are off more time, you can look at the calendar and see where you should be when we get back.
I'm sure the first couple of days off might have a snow day vibe for you, but these next couple of weeks are not going to be easy. We really all should be staying home and exercising the social distancing we've been hearing about so much about lately. But if we look at this through a historical perspective, every generation lives through something crazy at some point. It's just how things go. So for what it's worth, I encourage you to take things seriously but don't panic. Obviously, your parents/guardians will be the ones to listen to throughout all of this and try not to drive them crazy as we are going to be homebound for a while. Try to do something productive with your time. Hopefully, we don't experience something like this again.
I'll be checking my email, don't hesitate to contact me about any questions or concerns you might have. I also will periodically post things over break to help you through the content. Also plan on some AP Classroom practice to make up for what we are going to miss. We'll get through this and I look forward to hopefully seeing you soon on the other side.