While there still is a possibility we come back in person (who knows anything these days?), it seems more likely at this point that we move things online. But I don't think this trimester is lost.
Secondly, the College Board has announced that they are making preparations to administer AP exams that you can take at home. How will that work? I have no idea. But we can still finish this APUSH grind up, it is not over. We are obviously facing historical, unprecedented changes in our education but let's roll up our sleeves and figure out how to make it work.
I started a Google Classroom for APUSH today. It's easier for me to put us all in one APUSH fam. The join code is - f4r3ynz. Get in there so you can turn stuff in and it can obviously be a more interactive experience than this website, which I will still use for certain things.
I went through the Remind today and emailed everyone who is not in it. But I don't know if they will check their school email. So if you have contact with any of the following people, please have them join the Remind, the join code is @24dfka.
Bailey Bennett
Justine Blackwood
Justin Boy
Lincoln Courtney
Gavin Gardner
Chris Hildon
Saide Muchmore
Emma Borden
Jordyn Guthrie
Christian Huerta
Amonte Irizarry
Jeremiah Kagumba
Delaney Schultheiss
Kendall Sloan
So today is the first of many steps in this weird journey. I don't know about you, but the Porco social distancing grind has been serious. I haven't seen anyone in person (except people that work at Meijer) besides my wife, daughter and Anthony since I left Norrix on Friday. I hope you all are taking this seriously. The federal government clearly stated that for the next 15 days, we are basically supposed to stay in our homes except for trips to the store or doctor's appointments.
These will be trying times over the next couple of weeks and beyond. But I am down for anything we can work out online together and excited for something to spend part of my day on. I plan on videotaping/posting various things that I want to communicate with you either about content or process over the coming weeks. I also will be looking to set up a couple of virtual classes a week through Zoom, I'll let you know more about that later on this week. We will see what works best for us and go from there.
So step one for you is to make sure you are in the Remind and in the Google Classroom. Step two is to read Chapter 35 this week and turn in the guided reading through the Google Classroom. We have nothing but time on our hands right now, let's make the most of this crazy moment in history. I genuinely do miss you all and it is absolutely surreal what's going on. But we must press on. Let's go to work.