But the show must go on. As I told you on Monday, the DBQ is still tomorrow. There should be plenty of time to get these streets dug out and we'll be back at school. You don't want to miss my Throwback Thursday shirt anyway, it's a game changer.
A couple of people have sent me stuff to look at for their DBQ, I'll check periodically throughout the day and give feedback on anything sent my way.
Don't let Monday's Chapter 27 deadline sneak up on you, it would be a great idea to get it started today. When you think about the last couple of chapters - industrialization, urbanization and westward expansion, remember that these developments were going on at the same time. From the end of the Civil War to the end of the 19th century this country was going through enormous change and growth. There really isn't any other country that has changed so much in such a small amount of time. So it seems natural that this newly powerful country would start to look outward, to start seriously considering the appropriate role of the U.S. in world affairs. And that's what Chapter 27 is about.
I hope everyone is well, I don't know about your neighborhood, but my street has not been plowed and is a disaster. So it's an inside kind of day for now. See you tomorrow.